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Kanye West Apologises To Nike CEO Mark Parker During Saint Pablo Tour

Kanye West's Saint Pablo Tour kicked off last night in Indianapolis and he used some of his [floating] stage time to thank Nike CEO Mark Parker for, "giving a kid out of Chicago a chance to create." He also apologised to Parker for his actions after he split from the brand to pursue his own thing with Adidas.

Some of Kanye's previous remarks about the new Nike CEO include;

"I'mma put Mark Parker all on that Summer Jam screen. And by the way, Mark Parker, yes I will still accept an investment in Donda."

“Do you know who the head of Nike is? No? Well, let me tell you who he is. His name is Mark Parker, and he just lost culture. Everyone at Nike, everyone at Nike, Mark Parker just let go of culture.”

Once finished with the Parker apology, Kanye shifted his focus to Adidas' Vice President of Global Entertainment & Influencer Marketing, Jon Wexler. He thanked Wex for "putting his job on the line" for him.

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