50 Cent Claims Soulja Boy Was Robbed In L.A. Now 50 Cent could be just instigating some rumours & stirring up trouble to build hype for the boxing match, but according to the G-Unit boss man, Soulja Boy was just robbed in Los Angeles. #50CentClaimsSouljaBoyGotRobbedInLA #chrisbrown #floydmayweather #gunit #souljaboy #hitupange #boxing
Now 50 Cent could be just instigating some rumours & stirring up trouble to build hype for the boxing match, but according to the G-Unit boss man, Soulja Boy was just robbed in Los Angeles. #50CentClaimsSouljaBoyGotRobbedInLA #chrisbrown #floydmayweather #gunit #souljaboy #hitupange #boxing